How to find Softlink in Linux

In Linux, a symbolic link (also called a symlink or softlink) is a special type of file that acts as a shortcut to another file or directory. Softlinks can be created using the ln command, and they can be used to simplify file organization, facilitate file access, and reduce storage space usage. However, sometimes you may need to find and identify softlinks in your Linux system for maintenance or troubleshooting purposes.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to find softlinks in Linux using different commands.

Step 1: Find Softlinks in the Current Directory

To find all the softlinks in the current directory, you can use the ls command with the -l option and the -type l option to display only the softlinks. Open the terminal and type the following command:

ls -l -type l

This will display all the softlinks in the current directory, along with their target path and permissions.

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Step 2: Find Softlinks in a Specific Directory

To find all the softlinks in a specific directory, you can use the find command with the -type l option. For example, to find all the softlinks in the /usr/bin directory, open the terminal and type the following command:

find /usr/bin -type l

This will display all the softlinks in the /usr/bin directory, along with their target path.

Step 3: Find Broken Softlinks

Sometimes, softlinks may break if the target file or directory is deleted or moved. To find broken softlinks in a directory, you can use the find command with the -type l option and the -xtype l option. For example, to find broken softlinks in the /usr/bin directory, open the terminal and type the following command:

find /usr/bin -xtype l

This will display all the broken softlinks in the /usr/bin directory.

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Commands Mentioned:

  • ls – list directory contents
  • find – search for files and directories


In this guide, we have shown you how to find softlinks in Linux using different commands. By using these commands, you can easily identify softlinks in your system, troubleshoot softlink-related issues, and improve your file organization and access. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement, feel free to share them with us.


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