How to Print Unique Lines from a File in Linux?

In Linux, it’s often necessary to extract unique lines from a file. This task, while seemingly straightforward, can be a bit complex for beginners or those unfamiliar with Linux commands.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of printing unique lines from a file using Linux commands. It is particularly useful for webmasters and website administrators who often deal with large amounts of data and need to filter out duplicate lines.

Printing Unique Lines from a File in Linux

To print unique lines from a file in Linux, you will need to use a combination of commands. The primary command used for this purpose is the ‘uniq’ command, which removes similar consecutive lines from the input. However, to ensure that all unique lines are printed, regardless of their position in the file, you will need to sort the lines first. This is where the ‘sort’ command comes in.

Here is the syntax you need to use:

grep -oP "anystring" | sort | uniq -c

The ‘grep’ command is used to search for a specific string in the file. The ‘-oP’ option tells grep to only print the matched parts of a line, with each match on a separate output line. The “anystring” is the string you are searching for in the file.

After the ‘grep’ command, the ‘sort’ command is used to sort the output. This is piped into the ‘uniq’ command, which removes duplicate lines. The ‘-c’ option is used with ‘uniq’ to prefix lines by the number of occurrences.

Understanding the ‘grep’ Command

The ‘grep’ command is a powerful tool in Linux, used to search for specific patterns in files. The command has numerous options that allow you to customize your search.

Here are some of the key options:

  • -E, –extended-regexp – The pattern is an extended regular expression (ERE).
  • -F, –fixed-strings – The pattern is a set of newline-separated fixed strings.
  • -G, –basic-regexp – The pattern is a basic regular expression (BRE).
  • -P, –perl-regexp – The pattern is a Perl regular expression.
  • -e, –regexp=PATTERN – Use PATTERN for matching.
  • -f, –file=FILE – Obtain PATTERN from FILE.

Examples of Using ‘grep’, ‘sort’, and ‘uniq’ Commands

Finding Unique Error Messages in a Log File:

grep 'ERROR' /var/log/syslog | sort | uniq

This command will find all unique error messages in the system log file.

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Counting Unique Visitors to a Website:

grep -oP '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}' /var/log/apache2/access.log | sort | uniq -c

This command will count the number of unique IP addresses (visitors) in an Apache access log.

Finding Unique File Extensions:

ls -R | grep -oP '\.\w+$' | sort | uniq

This command will find all unique file extensions in the current directory and its subdirectories.

Counting Unique Words in a Text File:

grep -oP '\w+' myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c

This command will count the number of occurrences of each unique word in a text file.

Finding Unique Users in a System:

grep -oP '^[\w]+' /etc/passwd | sort | uniq

This command will list all unique users in a Linux system.

Counting Unique HTTP Methods in a Web Server Log:

grep -oP 'GET|POST|PUT|DELETE' /var/log/apache2/access.log | sort | uniq -c

This command will count the number of occurrences of each HTTP method in an Apache access log.

Finding Unique Commands in Bash History:

history | grep -oP '^[\w]+' | sort | uniq

This command will list all unique commands that have been used in the bash history.

Counting Unique Email Domains:

grep -oP '@\K[\w\.]+' email_list.txt | sort | uniq -c

This command will count the number of occurrences of each unique email domain in a list of emails.

Finding Unique Software Packages Installed:

dpkg --get-selections | grep -oP '^[\w]+' | sort | uniq

This command will list all unique software packages installed on a Debian-based system.

Finding Unique Processes Running:

ps aux | grep -oP '^[\w]+' | sort | uniq

This command will list all unique processes currently running on a Linux system.


For a complete list of ‘grep’ options, you can use the ‘–help’ option with the ‘grep’ command.

[root@centos6-05 ~]# grep --help
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...
Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.
PATTERN is, by default, a basic regular expression (BRE).
Example: grep -i 'hello world' menu.h main.c

Regexp selection and interpretation:
  -E, --extended-regexp     PATTERN is an extended regular expression (ERE)
  -F, --fixed-strings       PATTERN is a set of newline-separated fixed strings
  -G, --basic-regexp        PATTERN is a basic regular expression (BRE)
  -P, --perl-regexp         PATTERN is a Perl regular expression
  -e, --regexp=PATTERN      use PATTERN for matching
  -f, --file=FILE           obtain PATTERN from FILE
  -i, --ignore-case         ignore case distinctions
  -w, --word-regexp         force PATTERN to match only whole words
  -x, --line-regexp         force PATTERN to match only whole lines
  -z, --null-data           a data line ends in 0 byte, not newline

  -s, --no-messages         suppress error messages
  -v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines
  -V, --version             print version information and exit
      --help                display this help and exit
      --mmap                ignored for backwards compatibility

Output control:
  -m, --max-count=NUM       stop after NUM matches
  -b, --byte-offset         print the byte offset with output lines
  -n, --line-number         print line number with output lines
      --line-buffered       flush output on every line
  -H, --with-filename       print the filename for each match
  -h, --no-filename         suppress the prefixing filename on output
      --label=LABEL         print LABEL as filename for standard input
  -o, --only-matching       show only the part of a line matching PATTERN
  -q, --quiet, --silent     suppress all normal output
      --binary-files=TYPE   assume that binary files are TYPE;
                            TYPE is `binary', `text', or `without-match'
  -a, --text                equivalent to --binary-files=text
  -I                        equivalent to --binary-files=without-match
  -d, --directories=ACTION  how to handle directories;
                            ACTION is `read', `recurse', or `skip'
  -D, --devices=ACTION      how to handle devices, FIFOs and sockets;
                            ACTION is `read' or `skip'
  -R, -r, --recursive       equivalent to --directories=recurse
      --include=FILE_PATTERN  search only files that match FILE_PATTERN
      --exclude=FILE_PATTERN  skip files and directories matching FILE_PATTERN
      --exclude-from=FILE   skip files matching any file pattern from FILE
      --exclude-dir=PATTERN  directories that match PATTERN will be skipped.
  -L, --files-without-match  print only names of FILEs containing no match
  -l, --files-with-matches  print only names of FILEs containing matches
  -c, --count               print only a count of matching lines per FILE
  -T, --initial-tab         make tabs line up (if needed)
  -Z, --null                print 0 byte after FILE name

Context control:
  -B, --before-context=NUM  print NUM lines of leading context
  -A, --after-context=NUM   print NUM lines of trailing context
  -C, --context=NUM         print NUM lines of output context
  -NUM                      same as --context=NUM
      --colour[=WHEN]       use markers to highlight the matching strings;
                            WHEN is `always', `never', or `auto'
  -U, --binary              do not strip CR characters at EOL (MSDOS)
  -u, --unix-byte-offsets   report offsets as if CRs were not there (MSDOS)

`egrep' means `grep -E'.  `fgrep' means `grep -F'.
Direct invocation as either `egrep' or `fgrep' is deprecated.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.  If less than two FILEs
are given, assume -h.  Exit status is 0 if any line was selected, 1 otherwise;
if any error occurs and -q was not given, the exit status is 2.

Commands Mentioned

  • grep – Used to search for a specific string in a file.
  • sort– Used to sort lines in text and binary files.
  • uniq – Used to report or filter out repeated lines in a file.
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Printing unique lines from a file is a common task in Linux, especially for webmasters and website administrators dealing with large amounts of data. By using a combination of ‘grep’, ‘sort’, and ‘uniq’ commands, you can easily filter out duplicate lines and print only the unique ones. Remember to replace “anystring” with the string you are searching for in the file.

Whether you’re managing a dedicated or a virtual server, understanding how to use these commands can greatly enhance your efficiency and productivity.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you use these commands, the more comfortable you’ll become with them, and the more effectively you’ll be able to manage your data.

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Happy coding!


  1. What does the ‘uniq’ command do in Linux?

    The ‘uniq’ command in Linux is used to filter out the repeated lines in a file. It is commonly used in conjunction with the ‘sort’ command to print unique lines from a file.

  2. How does the ‘sort’ command work in Linux?

    The ‘sort’ command in Linux is used to sort lines in text and binary files. It supports sorting by string, number, and other data types. It’s often used before the ‘uniq’ command when trying to print unique lines from a file.

  3. What is the purpose of the ‘grep’ command in Linux?

    The ‘grep’ command in Linux is a powerful search tool that allows you to find specific patterns in files. It supports a variety of options that let you customize your search, including case sensitivity, whole word matching, and regular expression matching.

  4. How can I print the number of occurrences with the ‘uniq’ command?

    You can print the number of occurrences of each line in a file using the ‘-c’ option with the ‘uniq’ command. This will prefix each line with the number of occurrences.

  5. Why do I need to sort lines before using the ‘uniq’ command?

    The ‘uniq’ command in Linux only removes consecutive duplicate lines. If the duplicates are not next to each other, ‘uniq’ will not remove them. Therefore, it’s necessary to use the ‘sort’ command before ‘uniq’ to ensure all duplicates are removed.


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